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What Should the Temperature Be in an Office?

What Should the Temperature Be in an Office?

When working in an office, you will need so many things to work comfortably. Along with the comfortable seats with proper headrests and armrests, one more thing is there that can affect your efficiency and productivity. Above all, it is also directly associated with your workplace well-being. Yes, we are talking about the ideal workplace temperature that should be maintained to achieve all these. However, a debate is always there – what should the temperature be in an office? Explore more about the workplace temperature and related guidelines of the United Kingdom in this post.

What are the Temperature-Related Guidelines?

Office temperature has become a trending topic these days. This is because incorrect workplace temperature can have an impact on employees’ productivity and comfort. Keeping this in mind, some guidelines are there that an office must adhere to.

  • First and foremost, offices are advised to consider their work type to decide the minimum and maximum temperatures inside.
  • Every office must check the insulation of the building to decide the ideal workplace temperature.
  • To help employees work comfortably, the temperature should be determined based on the local climatic conditions.

What is the Suggested Temperature for Offices?

In the United Kingdom, there is no pre-defined and legal advisory regarding the minimum temperature that should be maintained. However, the Health and Safety Executives or HSE have the answer to what should the temperature be in an office environment.

As per the HSE, the workplace area must have a temperature of around 16 degrees Celsius. In case the work demands rigorous physical efforts, the temperature must be maintained at 13 degrees Celsius. With this temperature limit, offices can make sure that no employee is exposed to several conditions that can affect their physical well-being or overall health.

Just like the minimum temperature, a workplace with higher degrees can lead to various health issues. Considering this fact, the HSE has advised to maintain the temperature as maximum as 24 degrees Celsius in normal offices. Please note that the government of the UK has no specific law specifying the minimum and maximum workplace temperature.

What Temperature is the Most Ideal for Workplaces?

Most people are looking for the answer to what should the temperature be in an office just to calm down the chaos around this topic. Although it all depends on your particular office to decide on a good indoor temperature, having clear answers will settle the ongoing debate on the temperature for sure.

According to some recent research and HSE guidelines, the ideal temperature of the office means higher productivity, focus, and comfort. This can easily be achieved if you maintain the temperature between 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 73 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius and 23 degrees Celsius). This will create a warm and comfortable atmosphere that is not too hot or too cold.

Does the Perfect Temperature Vary in Winter and Summer?

As expected, seasonal conditions have a direct impact on the ‘ideal’ temperature within an office space. During summer in the UK, heat waves along with the temperature outside go up slightly. This means you will need to lower the temperature inside to make the surroundings comfortable. Through this, you can also control the humidity level in your office. The ideal temperature should be around 21 degrees Celsius during the summer.

When it comes to the winter, some areas in the UK experience significant temperature drops. Due to this, people working in your office can have some health issues. And yes, productivity will also be affected. Keeping the area a little warmer can help people feel comfortable and work without any hindrance. Thus, offices must have a temperature of up to 23 degrees Celsius. Keep in mind that avoid extremes. This means the work area should not be very hot and very cold.

Does Gender Impact the Ideal Temperature in the Office?

Many people make a joke with innocence about how an anecdote is feeling cold even when the temperature is moderate. Well! You will be surprised that this fact is backed by the science. Thus, gender has a significant role in setting the ideal workplace temperature.

As per a study published in the scientific journal ‘Nature’, women feel colder 3 times more than men do. According to this report, women find the office area more comfortable when the temperature is 24 degrees Celsius. Whereas, men prefer 21 degrees Celsius of temperature while working. Thus, offices should plan the temperature according to this study to make both men and women feel comfortable. Another benefit is that adjusting the temperature will also translate into reduced energy costs and carbon footprints.

Matthew Connery
By: Matthew Connery

Matthew Connery is the Director of Hamilton Air Conditioning in London. He is a skilled Business Strategist who delivers energy-efficient and cost-saving solutions to commercial and domestic clients from leading air conditioning brands. 

Jan 10 2025